man working at laptop

How to Boost Your Productivity

Being consistently productive requires focused attention and appropriate skills to do the work. Everyone suffers from a lack of productivity from time to time. It …

clock on desk

The Secrets of Perfect Timing

I have just finished reading Daniel Pink’s book When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing and I would like to share with you the insights …

man stressed at workload

Strive for Excellence, Not for Perfection

Recently I taught a course called Excellence: When Perfect Is Not Good Enough. Here are some of the behaviours the participants wanted to develop: To …

walking up steps

Use Tiny Habits to Reach Your Goals

This is the time of year that we think about habits we want to change. We know the recipe – set a challenging goal, give …

PURRRR Your Way to Productivity

Procrastinators want to find a way to nudge, push, or force themselves to stop the delays. They want to get the things they really want …

Learning Agility

Many people complain that they have a “poor memory”, but only when they forget something. You have a fantastic long-term memory, and an effective immediate …

Outsmarting Dementia

Outsmarting Dementia

Hands up if you have ever worried about getting Alzheimer’s. You cannot do anything about getting older every day, but you can seriously reduce your …